Baby Sleep Training Expectations

For many families, sleep may be a far gone dream that they have long given up. Enter sleep training: a beacon of hope for exhausted parents who are hoping to establish healthy sleep habits for their little ones and gain back the sleep habits they once had. However, amidst numerous methods and often conflicting advice online and in the parenting community, managing expectations becomes paramount. Let's talk about how we can manage our own expectations about and during the sleep training process, equipped with realistic expectations and practical guidance.

Before going any further, it’s important to stress that each baby is an individual with their own unique temperament and response to sleep training. Your baby is not a robot, and we cannot guarantee that they will happily accept whatever new boundary you decide to set. Infants undergo rapid changes in sleep patterns during their first year, influenced by factors like growth spurts, teething, and cognitive development. 

sleep training methods for baby
  • Consistency vs instant results; Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are healthy sleep habits. Sleep training is a gradual process that requires consistency and patience. While some babies may adapt quickly, others may take longer. Understanding that progress may NOT always be linear and may be slow at times helps in managing frustrations along the way.

  • Naps are processed in a different part of the brain than nighttime sleep. Naps are also trickier due to the lack of sleep hormones and lower sleep drive during the day. Babies' nap needs evolve over time, and establishing a reliable nap routine may take persistence. Don't be disheartened by setbacks; focus on creating a conducive environment and consistent sleep cues.

  • Do not expect a β€œone size fits all” approach. The sleep journey is as unique as your baby. What works for one family may not work for another. Experimentation and flexibility are key. Don't hesitate to adapt techniques to suit your baby's temperament and your family's needs.

  • REGRESSIONS WILL HAPPEN! Just when you think you've cracked the code, sleep regressions come knocking. Regressions, often triggered by developmental milestones or disruptions in routine, can temporarily disrupt sleep patterns. Expecting and preparing for regressions can soften the blow and prevent feelings of defeat.

  • Practicing self-care is non-negotiable. Amidst the focus on baby's sleep, don't neglect your own rest and well-being. Sleep deprivation can take a toll on mental and physical health. Prioritize self-care and enlist support from partners, family, or friends to ensure you get the rest you need.

For the TLDR; version of sleep training, follow these key points:

  • Introduce a consistent bedtime routine: Babies thrive on predictability. Create a soothing bedtime routine incorporating activities like bath time, gentle massage, or bedtime stories to signal that it's time for sleep.

  • Create an optimal sleep environment: Ensure the sleep environment is conducive to rest. Black out the room, maintain a comfortable temperature between 68-72 degrees F, and introduce white noise to promote quality sleep.

  • Choose a sleep training method you can be consistent with: If your baby is accustomed to certain sleep associations like rocking or nursing to sleep, consider weaning off these associations over time. Gradual methods take longer, but are available to you if you decide that cold turkey habit changes are going to be too hard for you to adhere to. 

  • Regulate your own emotions before attempting to calm your baby. Babies are intuitive beings who pick up on caregivers' emotional state. Approach sleep training with a calm and consistent demeanor, providing reassurance and comfort during moments of resistance.

  • SEEK SUPPORT!! You're not alone in this journey. Reach out to pediatricians, lactation consultants, or sleep coaches (AKA ME 😊) for guidance and support tailored to your family's needs.

Navigating the challenges of sleep training requires a LOT of patience, consistency, and realistic expectations. By understanding the developmental context, setting achievable goals, and implementing practical strategies, you can embark on a restful journey towards healthy sleep habits for your baby and yourself. Remember, sleep training is not just about teaching babies to sleep; it's about fostering a positive sleep environment that promotes well-being for the entire family. So, embrace the journey, and may a good night’s sleep be in your VERY near future!

To work with a team member to get support on your sleep training journey, check out our program here!


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