Activities for Quiet Time
Do you have a child who is not napping? Do not worry, you are not alone! Most children will drop their naps at around ages 3-5 and while dropping the nap, they may require naps every few days to help their bodies adjust. On the days they don’t nap, it can be helpful to implement quiet time.
First off, What is quiet time?
Quiet time is a period of unstructured but calming time for your child. It usually takes place in your child’s bedroom and the goal is for your child to rest their bodies and brain even when their nap is gone.
It can last anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours and should happen everyday your child is home at that time so it is expected. Read more about the quiet time concept in this blog.
Now once you know they are ready for quiet time, here are a few of our favorite quiet time activities! I rotate them in Liam’s room (where he does quiet time) and I make sure they are all activities that he can do independently (THIS IS KEY). Mess free is also important, unless you like cleaning paint out of carpet, in that case you do you! 🤪
Building toys:
connetix tiles
sponge blocks
wooden blocks
Fine Motor:
Color wonder books
Water wow books
Foam stickers
Paint with water books
Sticker books
I spy books
Hidden picture books
Books on tape
Tonies Box or Yoto Player
Other options:
Car tracks
If you’re really struggling with implementing the concept of quiet time, check out my 1:1 options for support!