Congratulations! Your sweet baby has arrived, and you’re getting the hang of this parenting thing.

But as the little one changes and grows, new thoughts and concerns fill your thoughts at night. (Hey, you’re up anyway, right?)

What kind of person will he be? Where should she go to school? Or should we homeschool? Do we need to switch to cloth diapers for the environment? Are we damaging their development by doing ______?

While all of these questions can keep you up at night, your baby’s sleep now and in the future doesn’t have to top the list.

(If you prefer 1:1 for your newborn support or do not want to wait for the group to start/next group to begin, you can sign up for the exact same format in a 1:1 setting here!)

sleep consultant for newborn

Imagine if you could:

  • KNOW that you’re getting everything you need in place to set your baby up for sleep success BEFORE you even start sleep training.

  • AVOID all that confusion of where to go for advice and who to listen to as you want to start sleep training your infant.

  • Confidently develop positive sleep routines NOW instead of having to change habits LATER.

It’s possible with Sleeping Like a Baby!

It’s here! 

The Sleeping Like a Baby intensive is a group format specifically designed for the parents of infants between the ages of 4 weeks and 12 weeks old.

During this 4-week intensive, we will discuss the basic building blocks of sleep, so you have all the information you need when it’s time to sleep train your child. All for $249!

Who am I?

Hi! I’m Ashley! I’m a wife to an amazing firefighter husband and the mom of four adorable kids. 

Like you, those same questions kept me up at night, and, like you, I struggled with my oldest son’s sleep. We didn’t know what to do or who to listen to get him, and us, the sleep needed.

We finally found the help we needed by DIY’ing sleep coaching, and I knew that I wanted to help other families the same way. I completed the necessary training and certification to become a baby and toddler sleep coach.

It is now my joy to coach families like yours develop healthy sleep habits for their infants and toddlers.

While cry it out or ferber sleep training isn’t appropriate until a child is about 4 months old, I’ve had so many parents ask me what they need to know about sleep before they begin their sleep training. Their desire to build a solid foundation for their infant’s sleep habits is exactly why I developed Sleeping Like a Baby!

So, what exactly is Sleeping Like a Baby?

I’m so glad you asked!

Sleeping Like a Baby is a 4 week, intense deep-dive into exactly what you need for sleep training success. It’s not some long drawn-out course where you get ⅛ of the way in and quit because it’s overwhelming. It’s not a membership that you join and forget about or get lost in the crowd.

It’s so much more!

With the Sleeping Like a Baby, you get:

  • Sleep Foundations

    A solid sleep foundation with 4 weeks of focused content (including videos, informational text, and usable resources) on the basics for sleep success in an age appropriate way.

  • Guidance

    Expert guidance on all of your pressing sleep questions with 4 weeks of daily access to me through a private slack channel. I’m always there to ask your burning sleep questions.

  • Community

    Better yet, you get a community of parents who are in a similar stage of life, going through the same things! You benefit from their questions and they benefit from yours.

What people are saying.


“I did the newborn intensive and it changed how we were parents.l Bedtime went from multiple hours to around an hour total. And gave me the knowledge and confidence to handle his naps and bedtime too. So worth it!!!”

— Emily K.

“Our biggest win is that our 7 week old is sleeping in his crib, the whole night! Still waking for feedings, but not having to hold him all night is HUGE!”

— Kara P.

Bedtime used to include up to 2 hours of nursing, rocking, bouncing. Now we have a 20 minute routine and he goes into the crib awake! It’s not perfect, but he’s still young and we can always keep working on it! We are also getting some naps in the crib! Considering I nursed my oldest to sleep and held for every nap until 18 months, I’ll take it!”

— Rachel

I want you to have the same confidence and knowledge that these families, and so many others, now have regarding their children’s sleep habits.

And Sleeping Like a Baby helps you get that right from the start!

TL;DR Details


Who it’s for: Parents of babies between the ages of 3-4 weeks and 12 weeks. To maintain that small-group environment, I am limiting the group to 10 families. Once those 10 families enroll, no one else will be able to join this round.

What it is: 4 weeks of sleep training foundations. Each week will focus on a different foundation of sleep, and each week builds on the last. You’ll receive the videos, informational texts, and usable resources on Monday that you’ll need throughout the week.

The schedule is: 

  • Week 1: Timing

  • Week 2: Routines

  • Week 3: Practicing Sleep at Bedtime

  • Week 4: Practicing Sleep at Naps


You’ll also get 4 weeks of access to me via a private Slack channel for the questions and concerns that arise during the training.

What it costs: The cost for the 4-week long intensive is $249. My 1:1 packages currently start at $549, so this Intensive is 🔥!

When it starts:  Our next starting date is April 8th I typically offer one newborn group a month, or every other month. If you’d like to start support sooner, you can do the 1:1 option!

What you need to do to get started: Use the button below to purchase your Sleeping Like a Baby Newborn Intensive. Once you’ve signed up, I’ll send you the necessary information so you’re ready to get started!