Daycare moving to one nap before child is ready

Any nap transitions can be tough to navigate, especially the 2-1 nap transition. The 2-1 Nap Transition can be very intimidating because it is a big leap in wake times! You are going from wake times averaging 3-4 hours to wake times in the 4-6 hour range! That can be a big adjustment for most toddlers.

Most toddlers transition from 2-1 naps between ages of 13-18 months.  However, most daycares force the 2-1 nap transition when children turn 12 months. Although, you may NOT be ready to transition your 12 month old, it is doable.

Research states that:

  • Infants 4 to 12 months should sleep 12 to 16 hours per 24 hours (including naps) on a regular basis to promote optimal health.

  • Children one to two years of age should sleep 11 to 14 hours per 24 hours (including naps) on a regular basis to promote optimal health.

  • Average awake time on 12-18 months (2 naps) 3-4 hours

  • Average awake time on 12-18 months (1 nap) it is 4-6 hours

  • 12-18 months average amount of total sleep = 12-14 hours and total wake time = 10-12 hours

If your 12 month old baby is transitioning to 1 nap at daycare here are some tips and tricks to do at home!

- Look at total wake time (keep it between 10-12 hours or an hour less than they typically have on 2 naps).

Sample Schedule:

Out of crib: 7am

Daycare nap 12:00pm-2:00pm

Bedtime: ~6:30-7:30pm (giving your toddler total wake time between 10-10.5 hours depending on their sleep needs).

- At the start of the transition, offer an early bedtime (6:00pm), as your child may not be use to 4-6 hours of total wake time!

- When your child is NOT at daycare, consider keeping them on their 2 naps (this isn’t confusing)

- Communication, ask your child’s caregiver for communication on when he/she napped. This will allow you to adjust bedtime to ensure he/she are not undertired or overtired!

- You can see what your rights are in your state and see if they’ll hold off on the transition for 1-2 months. Even that little bit can help!

If you’re struggling through the transition, check out the 1;1 package options here!


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