Group Sleep Coaching Experience

Group coaching is a process that’s really close to my heart! It brings so many families together as you go through the experience of sleep coaching and celebrating victories together. I truly believe families need accessible sleep help and group coaching is able to provide that in a cost effective way!

We recently finished up a group with 5 families and asked one to share their overall experience with you so that you can get an idea of how group sleep coaching works and if it would be a good option for you! We do a two week round, once every month with up to 10 families so if that’s something you’re interested in, go to Jenna’s page and sign up for the next round!


Meet Victoria!


“My husband and I approached our first child’s sleep training with a hopeful apprehension. What led us to look into sleep training came about as a response to our fatigue from our daughter co-sleeping with us since birth. After much research on my end, I convinced him that this process was well worth the time and money. As we were both teachers, we agreed that waiting until summer break would be the best option for our sleep patterns and our sanity. Our biggest question, obviously, was whether this would work. 

We chose to do the group sleep coaching with Jenna. Group sleep coaching sounded very similar to a 1 on 1 experience where you get real time help, background training on how to prep beforehand, a sleep plan based on your family needs and cost effective for our family. I was fully sold on the process of sleep training our 8 month old, yet it sounded like a gimmick to my husband who approached it with serious doubts and an inkling that this was nothing more than a more thought out version of the cry it out method. 

Day 1 launched and Jenna prepped all of us families with the reading materials and training videos. My husband and I asked the questions we needed to in order to clarify our understanding of what was expected. Day 2 and 3 were very similar to day #1; reading materials were provided as well as a training video to watch. Jenna did a phenomenal job communicating with each family, via our Facebook group.

Since our daughter is extremely close with me, my husband agreed to be the main one to sleep train her. I can distinctly remember walking my husband through the step by step guide while he half listened because he had an underlying thought that he KNEW wouldn't get past the first two steps without having to pick up our daughter and rock her to sleep like he always did. 

After the first 3 days of preparing and setting the foundation for healthy sleep, it was finally the night to start sleep training. The first few nights of sleep training was as we expected, HARD! We kept going through the sleep plan that Jenna planned for the families in the sleep group, but our daughter was protesting learning a new skill. It took 4 or 5 nights for her to understand what was happening and not protest so hard. Through it my sweet husband stuck with the plan and continued on.We eventually had success in her being able to fall asleep independently within 10-15 minutes after putting her down in her crib. 

It wasn’t long until we started working through nap training. Jenna assured us that it would be the same as night training at first, but the more we were consistent the better our baby would adjust. To our surprise, but not Jenna’s, our little girl picked up how to transfer nighttime training to her daytime naps. The time came to wean our daughter off of us being in the room since she was successfully putting herself to sleep for nighttime and her two naps during the day. Once again we thought there would be more struggles, but Jenna assured us that our daughter had the skills she just needed to continue to practice them in order to have more successes independently.

Fast forward two months and our daughter puts herself to sleep three times a day like clockwork. She recognizes how to get herself to sleep, she knows what nap time and bedtime look like because of the routines we have built in, and she generally goes down within a few minutes. Does she still fight my husband and I when we put her down? Sure, you bet. Does she need us to go to sleep? Does she co-sleep with us? Did she sit by herself crying in the darkness of her room without one of us next to her to console her? No, no, and no. It was through sleep training that our daughter was able to achieve this big win at such a young age. It was also through sleep training that my husband and I got our bed and sleep schedules back. 

We are so thankful that we chose group sleep coaching, because for us it truly felt like a 1 on 1 experience. We put in the work that was asked of us and it truly paid off in the short time of sleep training. All in all, Jenna was consistently there, through the whole process; answering our questions and supporting us through our concerns. We felt as if we were 100% supported and validated in our decision to sleep train our daughter. “



More details about group sleep caoching:

Cost effective sleep help for your sleep training journey

  • Prep work via videos and guides leading up to implementing the plan

  • Full sleep plan

  • Full support and access to me in the facebook group + moral support from other parents

  • Schedule suggestions to follow

  • Survival guide access at the end

  • 4 family minimum, 10 family maximum

  • $199.00/family

To sign up, click the button below, select the date, and proceed to payment. You’ll receive an intake form to fill out and then the link to join the group!


Bedtime Routines for Babies and Toddlers