3 Families Describe Their Unique Experiences Working with a Sleep Consultant

Are you waking up constantly through the night to help support your little one back to sleep? Maybe your family is constantly struggling throughout the day because naps are far and few between or you are simply just trying to set up a good rhythm and routine for your little one. Now is time to make a change and get you and your family’s sleep back on track. 

What is it like working with Ashley one on one? Here are not one but THREE testimonials from past families to describe their unique experience.

Why did you pursue working with Heaven Sent Sleep?

  1. Family 1: Safety and Mental Health! My family was glowingly concerned for my well being. I was anything but enjoying having become a mother and that was a tough pill to swallow.

  2. Family 2: Baby wasn’t sleeping and other sleep training methods didn’t work for us.

  3. Family 3: Ashley seemed kind and her approach felt non-judgmental. I wanted someone with the knowledge and also didn’t want to be shamed for anything I chose to do or not do for my family. She was a perfect fit!

What were the ups and downs of the process?

Overall all three families unanimously said patience was the key to the process. 

  1. Family 1: You do have to dig deep to be consistent in the approach and patient for changes to take place. Although, during the first week we saw the light and knew we were on the road to better sleep for all. We learned very quickly that we were likely negatively impacting our daughter more by over doing what we thought would help her. She was easily overstimulated and that is not something that would have occurred to us ever had Ashley not provided the knowledge from her experience.

  2. Family 2: The only downside we felt was that our child didn’t respond well to the method WE preferred to use and we had to adjust our approach and expectations in order to support him the way he needed. Gradual methods were not our first choice and they really are a lot tougher to implement! However, the positive impact of the process is that our baby learned how to put himself to sleep and no longer needs his pacifier to fall asleep. He is happier during the day and we have a really good sleeping routine. 

  3. Family 3: It can be hard to trust the process when the baby is awake for the third time that night…but I was patient and pushed through and it was all worth it because you do still see results quickly!

What was the final impact on your family after working with Heaven Sent Sleep?

  1. Family 1: Our experience with Ashley has quite literally positively impacted every facet of our lives!! I truly couldn’t ask for a better sleeper and that’s just the cherry on the cake after considering I was able to go off anxiety medication, get back to a healthy work schedule, participate as a coach again, and most importantly enjoy being a mother. Not to mention my husband and I have the freedom of knowing we provided the necessary tools for our daughter needed to succeed with napping and bedtime with anyone. Aside from marrying my best friend and together deciding to grow a family, working with Heaven Sent Sleep is undoubtedly the best decision I’ve made as an adult!

  2. Family 2: Best money we’ve ever spent! I would recommend this program to anyone new parent. The communication with Ashley was second to none and I am impressed by time from her. This program changed our lives for the better!

  3. Family 3: Our baby is sleeping like a champ, just like we knew he could! It was so helpful to have an individual sleep plan and to be armed with information so we can troubleshoot on our own in the future. Now that we have a plan and we know it works, we are all sleeping much better, even through colds, teething and regressions!

Are you and your family ready to take the plunge and start getting better sleep? Let’s work together to find a solution to get your little one sleeping better and for you to have the necessary tools for the future when bumps in the road arise. 


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