Flying with a Baby or Toddler

My husband and I relocated from New Jersey to Fort Worth, TX in July 2016. Our immediate family lives in Utah and New Jersey. Before having children, we would travel all the time to visit new places and to see our family. 

In September 2017, we had Liam and we didn’t want that lifestyle to change! But airplane travel with a baby can be VERY stressful!

In this blog post I will discuss some tips to help make traveling with a baby on an airplane easier! 

Packing the Diaper Bag/Backpack:

I recommend wearing a backpack as opposed to a bag. This will allow you to have free arms to carry your baby and pick things up. Do not forget to have: bottle and formula if necessary, snacks, diapers, wipes, change of clothes for baby and yourself. Also bring new, never before seen toys!! I remember going to the dollar store and buying new, little toys that I can pull out every 15 minutes to occupy Liam! Other fun toys include magnetic puzzles, mess free color wonder books, stickers, and those window clings that are resuable.

Give Yourself Time

Arrive to the airport earlier than you would if it was just you and your partner traveling! Now with a baby, you may have to stop to feed, change a diaper or an outfit!

You will also have more things (car seats and strollers) to check and carry.

Baby Wear

Bring a small travel stroller with you but also consider baby wearing around the airport, this will allow your baby to be close and comforted to you at all times. You then can use the small travel stroller to hold your belongings! When boarding the airplane, you’ll have to fold up your stroller, so having your baby snug in your arms while boarding will be helpful!

Board the Plane Last

Airlines are so helpful and will allow families to board the plane first and we have done that! But, we have also boarded the plane last and from my experience, boarding the plane last is much easier! Boarding can take over 30 minutes! Why would you want 30+ extra minutes on a plane when you can be walking around the airport?

Pro Tip: I would send Will on the plane earlier (baby-less). He would clean off the seats and put any bags in the overhead compartments.  I would then board the plane last with the baby. Now that we have Liam (almost 5) and Aiden (2.5), I will send Will and Liam on the plane first, while I continue to walk around with Aiden and board the plane last. 

Protect Your Baby’s Ears:

Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding during takeoff and landing is the best way to protect your baby’s ears!


I always plan flights around their nap times! Bring their sleep sack, swaddle or lovey to help them know that it is sleep time! I also bring portable white noise, although that isn’t necessary because the sound of the pressure from the cabin makes a white noise sound!

But also, plan for them to NOT nap and have a contingency plan for a nap later or earlier bedtime.

Traveling soon or just got back and sleep isn’t getting back on track? Book a chat and we can get it all straightened out!


Updated Safe Sleep Recommendations 2022


How to Night Wean