Getting Back on Track After Traveling

The holidays are OVER and if you are like me and have family all over the country, you may have done some traveling this holiday season! Or you may have some traveling coming up as summer is on the way!

If you did not travel yet this blog post, Traveling and Sleep With Babies and Toddlers is a great starting point on how to keep independent sleep while being flexible during travel!

If you have already traveled and now need to retrain sleep, this blog post is for YOU!

Getting Back on Track with Sleep After Traveling

Once you get home, you’ll want to immediately go back to your normal routines. It may take a day or 2, but stay consistent!  Your child may quickly fall back into their routines and distinguish the difference between travel and home.  However, if your child has developed a new sleep association while traveling (rocking, nursing to sleep, or just having you in the room), use your sleep training method to re-sleep train them once you are home! Responsive sleep training methods prove to help a lot whenever you're working through something like a this!

Once you have re-trained your child, your child may be overtired from traveling and being re-trained… continue to follow your schedule (wake times or by the clock) but consider not limiting their sleep or waking them in the morning for the first couple of days to help them catch up!

If you’re struggling after a few nights and need a new response or a refresher because what you usually do isn’t working anymore, set up a consult to see which option would work best for your family!


Can you sleep train and still feed at night?


Sleep Issues When Starting Daycare