Can you sleep train and still feed at night?

We get some variation of this question in every question box we post on social media!

“My baby still needs a feeding overnight, can we sleep train?”

“We aren’t ready to night wean, but need to work on independent sleep. Can we?”

etc, etc, etc!

Here’s the good news: sleep training is not synonymous with night weaning. So can you sleep train and still feed at night? YEP!

The majority of sleep training focuses on sleep initiation (ie falling asleep independently). Oftentimes, that’s all you need to work on while still responding with feeding overnight. Most families I work with still want to keep 1-2 feedings at night, whether that’s because of baby’s age, needs, or a nursing moms supply.

When working on independent sleep, you can usually see some carryover with consolidated night time sleep but that just means bigger chunks of sleep (ie 4-6 hours instead of 1-2 hours).

That means you CAN sleep train and still feed at night!

But what if your both ready to night wean? Here’s some resources for you:

Looking for more support with sleep training? You can view the packages I offer here and set up a free consult to learn more!


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