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How Long Does Sleep Training Take
The timeline for sleep training can feel ambiguous-- and that's because it is! A lot of factors determine how long sleep training takes so read through this article to have realistic expectations of the process and what you're committing to.
Sleep Training in a Toddler Bed
Sleep training a toddler or sleep training in a toddler bed requires different strategies for independent sleep than traditional sleep training options. Work with a certified sleep consultant for success with sleep training a toddler!
Can you sleep train while room sharing?
A lot of parents share a room with their child for different reasons and it can hold them back from making changes to their child’s sleep habits. If you’re wondering can you sleep train while room sharing, this article outlines considerations!
Do you sleep train during a regression?
Struggling with sleep regression? Discover how to navigate this phase by implementing a sleep training method that supports your child's changing sleep patterns.
Are sleep consultants worth it?
Discover the value of hiring a sleep consultant in improving your family's sleep and overall well-being. Find out if sleep consultants are worth it!
Can low iron affect baby sleep?
As sleep consultants, it can be up to us to education parents on normal infant sleep and identifying any red flags like iron deficiency so that parents and babies can get the rest they need.
What is Cry It Out Sleep Training?
Discover the truth about cry it out sleep training. Learn about the myths and facts, and make an informed choice for your family's sleep needs.
Can you sleep train while breastfeeding?
We know sleep training is often controversial and we truly believe the root of that is misunderstanding. Most people don’t know that you can sleep train while breastfeeding. This blog talks about the balance between feeding and sleep (how to get more sleep without sacrificing your feeding goals).
What age is too late to sleep train?
Every parent thinks they’ve missed the boat on sleep training and wonders if it would’ve been different if they’d made changes to sleep sooner. Wondering what age is too late to sleep train? Get our thoughts here!
Can you sleep train with a night feed?
Sleep training can make you feel like you’re between a rock and a hard place. You want to improve sleep but you’re not sure how while maintaining feeding overnight. This blog covers everything you need to know to feel good about your decision!
Why can my baby fall asleep independently for naps and not bedtime?
If you’re struggling with sleep training, you may wonder why can my baby fall asleep independently for naps and not bedtime. This is usually the opposite issue we see! However, there are a few key reasons why you might have more trouble at bedtime than you do with naps and I list 5 of those in this blog.
Can you sleep train and still feed at night?
There is some variation of this question asked every single day! The majority of families want to see improvements in sleep but are confused and wonder “can you sleep train and still feed at night?”
How to Have Someone Else Put Baby to Bed
Having someone else step in to put your baby to bed can cause a little bit of stress for parents — the loss of control can feel really intimidating! Check out these 5 tips to help ease the discomfort.
When is the right time/age to sleep train?
There’s a lot of conflicting advice out there about sleep training, when it’s appropriate, the right age, etc. Let’s debunk that!
How to Room Share with Baby (and still get some sleep)
A common reason parents choose not to sleep train is because they think they can’t if they’re still room sharing. But this isn’t true! Find out why and how to make it work even with room sharing.
How to Night Wean
Night weaning can be really tough for some families and a breeze for others. It’s up to each individual family to decide what’s working and what’s not working for them!
Why does a baby fight sleep?
Having a baby that fights sleep all the time is extremely triggering— trust me, I have one and I know! But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it or that there’s nothing in your control!
How to Get Baby to Sleep Through the Night
To get your baby sleeping through the night, you need to first understand what that actually means AND have some realistic expectations in place for their age!
What Not to Do During Sleep Training (and myths)
I get it, there’s a lot out there on the internet that is likely confusing you about sleep! Our goal here is always to educate you so you have a reliable source of information- we know information overload is a REAL thing!
Will Sleep Training Harm my Baby’s Attachment?
One of the biggest hesitations parents have about sleep training is it’s effect on attachment. But we compiled the best research to show you how exactly sleep training can effect attachment— and it’s not harmful!