Introducing a Lovey for Sleep

Is it time to introduce a lovey for sleep?

A lovey is just a cute way of saying a security item or transitional object. During your child’s life, they will go through a lot of changes! A lovey is an item that is always the same, never changes. It helps them feel secure!

This can be especially helpful for sleep because when they wake up, or something big happens in their life like getting a new sibling or moving to a bed, the lovey is always there. 

This object can be anything! Blanket, stuffed animal, mom’s shirt.. Whatever. You may not get to choose their lovey, they may form a bond with something on their own. Obviously not every kid will need a lovey or attach to something but it certainly doesn’t hurt to have. 

Why would you want to introduce a lovey for sleep?

Like I said, it’s a constant for them when all the things around them are changing! If they have a lovey, it can help through separation anxiety because it reminds them they are safe, comforted, and secure in their bed. 

It can also help them look forward to sleep time (keep the lovey for sleep if you can!)

When choosing a lovey, you first want to make sure it’s safe! Avoid things with small parts that can come off like zippers or buttons. Also, you want to make sure that it is small enough (no bigger sized blankets or pillows/stuffies).

Consider things your child likes; you want something they can easily relate to. So if they’re currently obsessed with dinosaurs, a dinosaur stuffed animal or dino decorated blanket may become their favorite!

Introduce it early as a part of their routines around sleep and you can snuggle with it when you contact nap; however it is not safe to have anything in the crib (any loose object) until your child is over the age of 12 months. If you would like safer lovey’s until then, you can use Bitta Kidda sleep sacks or Lovey sheets.

Having it as a part of your sleep routine will help that attachment grow!

introducing a lovey for sleep

Other things to consider when introducing a lovey for sleep:

  • Parents: wear and sleep with the lovey for a bit so that it smells familiar!

  • Bring it out during feedings and cuddle with it

  • Bring it out during nap and bedtime routines while you snuggle and make sure you have a little “good night” ritual for the lovey too (good night “lovey’s name”!)

  • Don’t be surprised if they’re a little distracted by having a new friend in their bed around sleep times and it takes them a bit to fall asleep! Totally normal!

  • Buy extras of the same one and rotate it out regularly so they all get an equal amount of use! Also helps to have extras in case one gets lost.

If you don’t want to buy something extra, I bet you have some receiving blankets lying around. You can cut those into equal squares so you have a lot of extras to rotate! It doesn’t have to be fancy 

Introducing a lovey can be a great way to create a positive sleep association for your little one. Our favorite is from Kyte BABY! We have a Ryan & Rose cutie bit attached so he has something to chew on when he’s teething as well. It works great for Lukah!


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