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Newborn Sleep Essentials
Newborn sleep feels like the wild west for a valid reason! It’s tough, but it doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Check out this blog for the top 5 things I focus on with my new babies.
How to Handle Night Time Fears (At bedtime and Middle of the Night)
As a parent, you can feel pretty helpless when navigating fears at bedtime and middle of the night— especially when you’re ready for sleep yourself! Check out the tips in this blog.
What is a Snooze Button Feeding?
A snooze button feeding is an early morning feeding that you use to get a little more sleep out of your baby. Check out this blog to learn more about it, including how to know if it’s working or not!
Personal Experience with Ear Infections + Tubes
Disrupted sleep can be the only symptom of an ear infection a child has! Multiple ear infections may lead to getting tubes for your little one which can feel scary. Jenna discusses their journey in this blog.
Nap Trouble when Transitioning out of the Crib
It isn’t uncommon to experience a nap strike with a big change like transitioning out of the crib! If you’re really struggling and aren’t sure how to handle the common struggles, check out this blog.
Navigating Naps that Happen Off Schedule
Your days aren’t always going to be perfect- and that’s okay! Knowing how to handle them can make you a more confident parent when it comes to sleep.
Handling Physical Milestones and Sleep
Learning new skills CAN disrupt sleep, but it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it! If you’re struggling through developmental milestones and it’s wrecking sleep, check out the tips in this blog.
3 Tips For Effortless Nutrition In Early Postpartum
Taking care of baby also means taking care of you! In this post, Brittany outlines some tangible tips to help get you through early postpartum with a good plan for tackling nutrition.
How to Shift an Early Bed/Early Wake Cycle
Early wake ups aren’t fun for anyone- even if you’re a morning person! This blog addresses the early bed/early wake up cycle you can get stuck in.
The Great Debate of Normalizing Reflux
Reflux is thrown around a lot to describe baby sleep and feeding issues. Check out Mallory’s informative post on what you can do and what resources are available to you!
How to Drop a Nap
Dropping a nap can feel tricky and overwhelming- especially if you’ve just settled into a great nap routine/schedule! Take the guesswork out of it with this blog.
How to Have Someone Else Put Baby to Bed
Having someone else step in to put your baby to bed can cause a little bit of stress for parents — the loss of control can feel really intimidating! Check out these 5 tips to help ease the discomfort.
Reasons for Night Time Wakings
There are a lot of reasons babies may wake up at night! If you can rule out some of the causes, you may be able to improve their overall night time sleep stretch and yours as well.
When is the right time/age to sleep train?
There’s a lot of conflicting advice out there about sleep training, when it’s appropriate, the right age, etc. Let’s debunk that!
Is melatonin safe for toddlers?
Melatonin is often touted as a solution to sleep problems in toddlers but we believe in making informed choices vs just picking up a bottle off the shelf! Start here if you’re considering regular melatonin use for your toddler.
Fire Safety and Sleep
When we talk about closed doors for sleep, toddlers sometimes have their own opinions about that. Parents should feel empowered to make decisions regarding safety for their kids and how to implement that in real life!
How to Room Share with Baby (and still get some sleep)
A common reason parents choose not to sleep train is because they think they can’t if they’re still room sharing. But this isn’t true! Find out why and how to make it work even with room sharing.
Baby Only Sleeps When Held
Having a baby who only wants to sleep in your arms can feel so sweet and so exhausting. You’re normal if you feel like you’d like more balance with sleep both in your arms and out! Check out this blog for tips on how to achieve that gradually.
What’s Witching Hour for Babies?
Witching hour has been known to plague babies in those first few weeks of life as newborns get very overstimulated very easily. What usually works to calm them loses its magic touch in those late evening hours!
Updated Safe Sleep Recommendations 2022
The AAP updated their safe sleep guidelines for the first time in 6 years (and by updates, I mean they added a few clarifications and maybe 1-2 “new” recommendations). This blog has all the details!